
UI Automation Commands

  • Version: 1.3.1
  • Official Verified

OpenBots Command group containing UI automation commands (Image, Input, Process, WebBroswer, Window).

OpenBots.Commands.UIAutomation \ Selenium Create Browser Command

Command: Selenium Create Browser Command

This command creates a new Selenium web browser session which enables automation for websites.


Browser Instance Name

Enter a unique name that will represent the application instance.


Browser Engine Type

Select the browser engine to execute the Selenium automation with.


URL (Optional)

Enter the URL that you want the selenium instance to navigate to.

Instance Tracking

Select **Forget Instance** to forget the instance after execution finishes, or **Keep Instance Alive** to allow subsequent tasks to call the instance by name.


Window State

Select the window state that the browser should start up with.


Selenium Command Line Options (Chrome - Optional)

Select options to be passed to the Selenium command.

Private (Optional)

Optional field to mark the command as private (data sensitive) in order to avoid its logging.

Comment Field (Optional)

Optional field to enter a custom comment which could potentially describe this command or the need for this command, if required.
